About Keller Islamic Center
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
The Keller Islamic Center (KIC) is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) place of worship for Sunni Muslims, dedicated to worship, education, and community service. Established in 2012, KIC serves the people living in Keller, northern Fort Worth, Haslet, Roanoke, Trophy Club, Westlake and surrounding areas. KIC is open to visits from people of all faiths. We observe the five daily Prayers, Jumuah prayer, Eid prayers, and Taraweeh during Ramadan.
Leadership: KIC’s Management Team, currently consisting of a 7-member Board of Trustees, is governed by its Constitution, based on the Quran and Sunnah. KIC encourages members of the community to become Members of the organization to participate in its affairs and activities and assist the Management Team. Members also vote in the selection of a new Management Team every two years.
Our Philosophy
Quran – The Book
Quran is the Book and Words of Allah that guides people to the straight path and give glad tidings to the believers that they will have great rewards
Islamic Knowledge
Islam is a spiritual and logical religion which deals with minds and hearts and that means that it is a complete religion and it achieves two main purposes the first is inner peace and the second is persuasion.
Muslim Community
Muslims are one hand and one body, if one hurts, other Muslims suffer for him/her
Narrated An-Numan bin Bashir:
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “You see the believers as regards their being merciful among themselves and showing love among themselves and being kind, resembling one body, so that, if any part of the body is not well then the whole body shares the sleeplessness (insomnia) and fever with it.”

Help the Poor
The Philosophy of Islam is based upon the brotherhood of the community and helping others, so whoever has money, should give to those who do not and that is our Islam.
The Spirituality
As Islam encourages us to feed the poor, it urges us to feed our soul, that is to promote our manners, and to elevate our hearts and attributes to the highest position to be unique in the societies. Care about your Spiritual manners to be one of the good brothers.
Find Your Inner Peace
In a world where our daily demands result in distress, depression, and other ailments, Islam provides the inner peace that can come only from the five daily prayers, relationship with Allah, and giving to the poor.
Current Management Team 2021-2023
The Board of Trustees (Management Team), elected on June 13, 2021, is comprised of the following 7 members:
- Integrator/President – Br. Khalil Rob
- Vice President – Br. Shafiq Islam
- Board Secretary – Br. Mohammad Haq
- Board Member – Br. Mohamed Gias Uddin
- Board Member – Br. Amirul Islam
- Board Member – Br. Najam Malik
- Board Member – Br. Shahriar Rahman
Apart from these members, the Board plans to lean on the following for specific advice and support:
- Ambassador at Large (Corporate) – Br. Ahsan Riffatullah
- Ambassador at Large (Medical) – Dr. Sharif Eusufzai
- Ambassador at Large (Goodwill) – TBD
- Ambassador at Large (Women’s Affairs) – TBD